Support people in need living in West Yorkshire
If you would like to help West Yorkshire, disadvantaged and vulnerable people of all ages to live a happier, healthier life, you can make a donation to the Sir George Martin Trust and we will ensure your funds are given to local charities that help their community to thrive.

Winding up a Charitable Trust
Is your Trust struggling to distribute its income and you feel the Trust has run its course? You can transfer the remaining funds to the Sir George Martin Trust and we’ll ensure that well run, West Yorkshire-based charities benefit.
Contact our Trust Manager, Carla Marshall or 01943 605372 to discuss this further.
Would you like to leave a charitable legacy in your will which is exempt from inheritance tax, but can’t decide which charity/ies to support? By leaving a legacy to the Sir George Martin Trust you could help hundreds of West Yorkshire children and adults living in poverty, or who are isolated and lonely.
Contact our Trust Manager, Carla Marshall or 01943 605372 to discuss this further. The Sir George Martin Trust’s registered charity number is 223554 and the correspondence address is Harlig House, Skipton Road, Ilkley, LS29 9RP.
One-off or repeat personal donation
If West Yorkshire people and places are close to your heart and you want to support multiple charities which support disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the region, then give a personal donation via our JustGiving page.