The categories below are all supported but the primary objective of the activities, services or project must be to improve the well-being of disadvantaged and/or vulnerable West Yorkshire people.
- You can read the Sir George Martin Trust’s new Grant Policy which was approved at the 15th March 2024 board meeting SGMT Grant Policy March 2024
- The Trust will give out grants for running, capital and project costs, ranging from £500 – £5,000 to registered charities, CIOs and churches delivering outreach work who are working to improve the well-being of residents in their local community.
- Locally based, West Yorkshire charities with an income below £1million are our focus and we are keen to provide extra support and advice to those with an income of around £100,000 who are going through a particularly challenging time.
- The Trust will aim to be as flexible as possible and a grant can go towards a range of costs, as long as these are detailed in the application. The Trust Manager will talk through your funding needs with you.
- Charities and churches which do not have a large amount of free reserves and/or assets will be the top priority.
We give to:
- Children and young people
- Church appeals – connected with disadvantaged/vulnerable community outreach only
- Community centres and village halls in disadvantaged areas
- Countryside, environment and green issues involving people in local disadvantaged communities
- Food provision projects
- LGBTQ+ communities
- Mental well-being
- Music, the arts and heritage involving people in local disadvantaged communities
- Older people
- Physical and learning disabilities
- Social welfare
- Sports for disadvantaged communities
We don’t give to:
- Voluntary and community groups which are not a registered charity and do not have a Charity Commission number
- CICs/Social enterprises
- Charities that have over a £1m income (based on the last year’s annual accounts)
- National charities or charities which don’t have their head office in West Yorkshire
- Appeals that are not focused on West Yorkshire
- Appeals from individuals seeking grants
- Applications from overseas
- Overseas seminars or exchange visits by individuals or groups
- Medical appeals of a capital or revenue nature
- Medical research projects
- Playgroups, nurseries and pre-schools
- Restoration schemes such as church roofs and spires
- Schools
We have adopted the above guidelines which follow this broad basis and will, in general, follow these guidelines, although in exceptional circumstances the trustees may deviate from them if a particular cause is of special merit.
For further details on the Sir George Martin Trust please review our latest Annual Accounts Sir George Martin Trust Final Accounts 2023 and our SGMT Impact Report 2022 – 2023 for an analysis of our grant making during this period.
The Sir George Martin Trust has signed up to IVAR’s eight commitments to adopt more Open & Trusting practices that make life easier for grant seekers and those we fund.